
Friday, November 11, 2016

Self Defense against a gunman

Self Defense against a gunman:

We've been told that when we are confronted with a gunman, we ought to comply with his demands and no amount of training in hand-to-hand combat would be effective but i beg to differ.

Your average gunman is unskilled in using a gun. A common mistake that many gunman make is to approach a victim at close range with the gun pressed against him or her. This gives you an opportunity to perform a gun disarm.

Pay close attention to how an armed robber with a shotgun approaches this man at such a close range and in a flash, the robber is disarmed.

What are the key factors in a successful gun disarm?

a) Speed - If your not quick to disarm an attacker, you will likely be shot. The faster you can remove the gun from a gunman's hands, the better chances you have of survival.

b) Deception - Usually, gunmen will assume that their targets will likely comply with their demands because they have a gun. Armed robbers will likely exert their power by coming close to you with the weapon pointed at you and assume that your weak. Many self defense videos and self defense instructors teach gun disarms at close range but neglect the communication aspect of these situations. How would you perform a gun disarm on gunmen who keep their distance? One tactic is deception. Give the appearance that your weak and that it's safe to approach you. Comply to the gunman's demands if he/she is trying to rob you by force. Communicate with them. Make distractions and once their focus is momentarily off the gun, disarm them.

C) Efficiency - Many self defense instructors teach you complicated moves and strikes expecting them to work in a violent situation. The truth of the matter is you may not have enough time or opportunity to use those techniques in a real situation. The last thing you want is to wrestle and fight over the gun only to have the gunman shoot you. What's the best way to deal with these situations? Simplicity and efficiency in movement. It's better to disarm a gunman with only the necessary force to break their grip on the gun and move away from the gunman than to fight over it.

d) Control - A gun's line of fire can only move in a straight line. Your focus should be on the person controlling the weapon. It's important to control the limb holding the gun rather than the weapon itself. If you try to grab hold of the weapon instead of grabbing hold of the gunman's arm and redirect the line of fire before a disarm, you will be shot. It's important to control the arm and break it if need be in order to retrieve the gun.

e) Vision - A gunman's vision is very important in shooting. If a gunman's vision is obstructed by objects and buildings, you have the upper hand in performing a gun disarm or preferably escaping. In this video, a gunman walks into a building and does not see a student in a room across from him. As the gunman reloads his weapon, the student rushes out blinding his vision with pepper spray and tackling him for a gun disarm. A gunman's vision can be the difference between life and death.

d) Plan ahead - The best way to deal with a gunman is to already have a plan in place. Pay close attention to your surroundings and opportunities to make your move. Don't simply run away from the attacker - have an idea of where you are running to. You don't want to run from a gunman only to face a dead end. Adapt to the situation and you will be able to deal with any type of gunmen.

In this example, a gunman places a gun to a Thai man's head. The gunman did not understand Thai which gave the hostage an advantage to communicate with police. The hostage distracted him and once the gunman's line of fire was redirected away from him, the hostage disarmed him quickly.

Practice gun disarms with a partner holding a rubber or toy gun. Do a variety of mock scenarios. Train intensely so that if a real situation with a gunman presents itself, you are physically and emotionally ready to deal with it.
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