
Monday, November 20, 2017

How to apply Iron body training in self-defense

Iron body training is common among martial artists in Karate and Shaolin kung fu. Many practitioners break bricks, concrete blocks, boards, and other hard surfaces. The idea is that by hardening bone and muscles, you're able to withstand powerful blows while delivering them. Before we delve into Iron body training, let's examine the science of it. I'll only give a brief summary of the facts and leave extensive research to you.

According to Wolff's law, the bones of a healthy person will adapt to the loading placed on them. If the loading on a particular bone increases, the bone will become stronger over time by remodeling itself.

When martial art practitioners strike hard surfaces, microfractures occur in certain body parts. Osteoclasts remove damaged bone while Osteoblasts deposit minerals for bone remodeling. Osteoblasts will cover it with a honeycomb structure and the bone will become denser than before. The effects of bone structure depend on the length, level, and rate of the work load. It's been found that cyclic loading leads to bone formation. In other words, bone remodeling occurs overtime. There must be periods of rest for healing or Osteoblasts won't be able to repair damaged bones (1).

Iron body training can also harden muscle tissue. After an intense work-out, you may notice that your muscles hurt. This is because there's small micro tears in your muscle tissues. They heal over time as your body creates new muscle fibers. Your muscles become stronger and bigger as a result (2).

As we can see, Iron body training is scientifically verifiable and effective especially in combat. There are exceptions where it doesn't work. It would depend entirely on your genes and body to determine whether this type of training is suitable for you.

Why train in Iron body? For the following reasons:

* You can withstand powerful attacks - You'll be able to absorb powerful attacks in many areas of the body namely from melee weapons. Your attacker's limbs might end up injured or broken. This is because your attacker isn't accustomed to the sudden overwhelming force on the bones and muscles. Your attacker will have very limited targets available to him or her.    

* You can deliver punishing blows - With proper technique and Iron body training, your attacks will be very devastating. The force in a punch could for example break bones and cause them to impale internal organs, killing the attacker.

* You prevent injuries in combat - Many martial artists like to wear gloves during training. This works in sport but not for self-defense. The average person's hands are fragile and break easily. Iron body training conditions your fists to prevent them from breaking easily. You can also target hard bones in other parts of the body without injuring your fists.

How can you practice Iron shirt training? Here's several tips.

1. Find proper materials - Depending on what body part you want to work on, you'll need to find proper materials. You don't want to use dangerous items that could potentially damage your body. Find materials for beginners and materials for more advanced stages. you could use your hands to start off light or purchase materials for iron body training. if you don't have a large budget then you need to improvise. You could use a wall, tree, or partner. You could also put a bunch of textbooks in a book bag. Soft material can be used for your fists to cushion them for knuckle push ups. Chinese medicine such as Dit Da Jow before and after training. This helps improve circulation, reduce swelling, pain, and heals injuries or wounds.

2. Start off light - Strike a body area such as your albs with open hand slaps 100 times.You must do it lightly but not too light to where you feel no force whatsoever. If it's with your fist, start by tensing it against a wall. Gradually push your bodyweight on it. Do this for a period of time until your hands or body area become tougher.

3. Gradually increase the work load - Once you notice considerable changes, replace the training equipment with more advanced tools. Gradually increase the force you exert on your body. You could start punching the wall harder as you progress. You could hit your albs with more force and items such as bricks. You could have a partner strike you to look for "soft spots."

4. Make a routine - NEVER try to go beyond your limits in Iron body training. You could injure yourself. Allow yourself time to heal for a day or however long it takes to recover. Develop a training regimen and stick to it.

5. Practice combat skills without protection - If you are to test and hone your Iron body conditioning for self-defense, you'll have to ditch protective gear eventually. This means for example punching heavy bags without gloves. This could also mean engaging in full-contact sparring without any gear.

Remember that it's your responsibility to take care of your own body. Practice these tips safely. If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog for updates, more advice, and exclusive content in the near future. I'm proud and excited to offer a FREE sample chapter of my E-book "Jeet Kune Do: How to build your own fighting system for self defense!" It's essentially a step-by-step guide on how to make your own self defense system suited to fit your own needs using Jeet Kune Do. If you would love to receive your FREE chapter of my e-book, click on the link below and share a post via. social media then it's yours for FREE! Be sure to also fill out the survey on the right and provide feedback on my blog. Leave questions, comments, and suggestions below.



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