
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Should you kill in self defense?

When it comes to self defense, there arises the issue of whether you should kill in self defense or not. How do you know if you must kill an attacker or not? Should you kill an attacker if your life depended on it?

Generally, you should not kill in self defense. You should at most incapacitate your attacker to prevent him or her from attacking you further and that should be enough to save your life. Only in extreme cases where you have no other choice but to kill your attacker. Should you kill in self defense? It all boils down to these questions 1) Can you do it? 2) Can you provide evidence that killing your attacker is justified in court? 3) Are you willing to accept the consequences of your actions?

The mistake many people make is just assuming that they can kill someone because a law in their state permits it. They think "well the laws in my state permit me to shoot a home intruder..." That might be true but it does not mean that you will be justified in self defense. Once you have killed someone in self defense, you have committed homicide period. The question is whether or not your homicide was justifiable and your life will go through dramatic changes. There will be a police investigation to determine whether or not you are telling the truth. You will be held under suspicion and probably treated as a criminal. You will be questioned and the evidence at the crime scene will be examined. The authorities will ask why you didn't flee or take any other preventive measures before resorting to killing your attacker. You will need to provide sufficient evidence to prove that your attacker was intending to kill you. Your word is not enough to prove that your killing was justified. It's your words against those who prosecute you. If you cannot prove that you committed justifiable homicide in court, chances are you will lose in court. You will be punished and possibly serve time in prison.

That's why simply using guns to resolve every situation is a very bad idea because a gun is a lethal weapon. You cannot simply shoot someone because he or she threatened to kill you or had a knife. You cannot kill someone because an unarmed attacker broke into your house. The level of force used must be proportional to the perceived threat or it's not reasonable. If you shoot someone swinging punches at you then the level of force used is not proportional to the threat. You are using too much force for a situation that did not merit it and could've been resolved through other means via. hand to hand combat or running away.

After you've killed someone in self defense, you must be willing to pay the consequences. It could be time in prison, a fine, guilt, PTSD, loss of a job, the list goes on. Killing seems easy at first but your life might suffer in the long run once your attacker is dead. This case of a woman who shot her boyfriend is just one example where killing brought alot of problems.

Should you kill someone in self defense? It all depends on the circumstances and your judgement. You should never be reckless. You should always have self control in these situations. Did you do everything you could to avoid resorting to taking someone else's life? Is killing your attacker the only way to ensure your safety and end the threat? These are all important considerations to take into account because killing is a choice that will affect you for the rest of your life.

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